The average house price on WASDALE DRIVE is £574,750
The most expensive house in the street is 1 WASDALE DRIVE with an estimated value of £701,909
The cheapest house in the street is 6 WASDALE DRIVE with an estimated value of £450,455
The house which was most recently sold was 8 WASDALE DRIVE, this sold on 18 Dec 2019 for £409,000
The postcode for WASDALE DRIVE is SK8 4RT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 WASDALE DRIVE Detached £701,909 £440,000 12 Feb 2014
6 WASDALE DRIVE Detached £450,455 £285,000 31 Aug 2007
8 WASDALE DRIVE Detached £505,461 £409,000 18 Dec 2019
10 WASDALE DRIVE Detached £641,178 £142,000 1 Mar 1999